SGT Yanderi Barrios

OKC, Oklahoma



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Hello, I’m SGT Yanderi Barrios.

I was born in Quetzaltenango Guatemala 24 years ago. Life in Guatemala was not easy. It is for that reason that my family and I migrated to this country when I was about 5 years old. In 2003 my baby brother, Brandon, was born. He was born with disabilities due to lack of oxygen at birth. Seeing him grow up has made me the person I am today. My dreams, goals, ambition to be someone in life come from him. The desire to help people came from him as well. That is why in 2015 I decided to join the National Guard. I knew I wanted to help people and go to school for a better education. This is where the Guard is helping me achieve my goals and dreams in the name of my brother. Unfortunately, a week after joining the National Guard my Brother passed away.

              Five years later, I still feel the pain of not having him by my side. Even though it has been a hard journey I have still been able to achieve many things in life. I was Miss Guatemala OK 2018-19. I completed various different training in the military that helped shaped me in becoming a soldier. The guard has helped maintain me physically and mentally tough. It has brought me many different opportunities I would have never had if I didn’t serve. If you are even thinking about it reach out. Let it change your life like it changed mine. Thank you again for being here.

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